My new army that I am doing for the 2009 40k gaming season is a Nurgle Chaos army. It follows in my plan of sticking with lower model count armies that I have a chance of finishing. When your core troops are 23pts each that is a big help.
The list stands at:
Chaos Sorcerer, Mark of Nurgle, warp time, Palanquin of Nurgle
4 Chaos Terminators, icon of chaos glory, Power fist, heavey flamer
Landraider, demonic possession
7 Plague Marines, Plaque Champion, Power Fist, 2 x flamers, personal icon
Rhino, demonic possession
7 Plague Marines 161, 2 x melta guns
Rhino 35, demonic possession
7 Plague Marines, 2 x plasma guns
9 lesser demons3 x obliterators
Defilertotal: 1750
He is a work in Progress of the Sorcerer on Palanquin